The main area where we catch Patagonian Toothfish is the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Chile, located south of Parallel 47°. Additionally, we operate in international waters of the South Atlantic and have participated in exploratory fisheries in Antarctica.

Fishing methods is the technique used for catching fish. Globalpesca utilizes the “longline with “cahcalotera”” method, which consists of a horizontal mainline of 18mm (backbone), from which 8mm branch lines (snoods) extend. Each snood has a cluster of hooks attached, as well as a weight to sink and position the snood.
It is used at great depths (2,000 to 3,000 meters) with an approximate extension of 10 nautical miles in length.

Our longline with “cachaloteras” is designed to protect the species when the hauling maneuver begins, and it also prevents birds from feeding on the bait as the line is set from the stern of the vessel, without harming the local fauna.
This fishing method has a high level of precision and a lower impact on the seabed compared to other bottom fishing methods. This precision results in virtually no bycatch.
Our longline with “cachaloteras” is designed to protect the species when the hauling maneuver begins, and it also prevents birds from feeding on the bait as the line is set from the stern of the vessel, without harming the local fauna.
This fishing method has a high level of precision and a lower impact on the seabed compared to other bottom fishing methods. This precision results in virtually no bycatch.


Globalpesca I
Globalpesca II
Globalpesca III
Call sign: CB 7961
Call sign: CB 8364
Call sign: CA 2527
Year of construction: 2002
Year of construction: 2002
Year of construction: 2001
IMO: 9262376
IMO: 9262388
IMO: 9247900
Sernapesca: No 5110
Sernapesca: No 5115
Sernapesca: No 2531
Lengh overall (LOA): 63.15 m
Lengh overall (LOA): 63.15 m
Lengh overall (LOA): 63.15 m
Beam: 10.00 m
Beam: 10.00 m
Beam: 10.00 m
Draft 4,20 m
Draft 4,20 m
Draft 3,90 m
Main engine: Akasaka 1.600 HP
Main engine: Akasaka 1.600 HP
Main engine: Hanshin 1.600 HP

Quota setting is determined by the Undersecretary of Fisheries based on recommendations and studies conducted by the Scientific Technical Committee and the Fisheries Development Institute. Fishing rights are publicly auctioned for periods of ten years, and annually there is a tender for approximately 10% of the total. In addition, a separate public tender is held each year for artisanal and industrial fisheries.
For Patagonian Toothfish, internationally, Chile fishes approximately 13% of the global quota. 100% of the national quota is distributed between the north and south of the country, with approximately 48% and 52% respectively. Of that 52%, 30% is allocated for artisanal fishing and the remaining 70% for industrial fishing. Thus, Globalpesca has a catch quota that represents around 36% of the industrial quota determined for the area south of the 47th parallel.

Certification and quality

ISO 50,001 – Energy Management System
The purpose of the Globalpesca Energy Management System that has been implemented is to guarantee the safety, legality and rational use of energy in the processes, as well as to prevent the appearance of non-conformities and apply, when appropriate, corrective actions...
Worldcob Csr Standard: 2011.3 CSR
In mid-June of this year, the company was successfully qualified in the revalidation process of the certification of the WORLDCOB–CSR Standard: 2011.3, which certifies Corporate Social Responsibility. This International Standard, developed by the World Confederation...
Quality assurance plan certification (PAC)
Within our corporate policy, one of the fundamental aspects is the satisfaction of our customers with respect to the expectations they have about our products. To guarantee compliance, every two years the University of Chile certifies our documentary processing line,...
Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP)
This project, of which Globalpesca is an important part, aims to improve the status of the fishery to a standard that allows it to pass a full evaluation by a well-established and science-based certification program such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). The...