by | Nov 10, 2022 | News

New good news is what is taking shape these days as part of Globalpesca’s management and its links with its environment and community.

In mid-June of this year, the company was successfully qualified in the revalidation process of the certification of the WORLDCOB–CSR Standard: 2011.3, which certifies Corporate Social Responsibility. This International standard developed by the World Confederation of Business (WORLDCOB) that establishes the requirements that an organization must meet to be recognized for maintaining a CSR policy in terms of adhering to a culture of ethical values, maintains a management system based on Responsibility. Social, and is in the process of continuous improvement in the areas of interest to the standard.

The Standard certifies CSR and can be issued recognizing any of the following company actions:

– Chapter A: Labor Relations (Training, health and safety at work).

– Chapter B: Social Relations (Clients, suppliers, family and community).

– Chapter C: Relationship with the Environment.

Having the WORLDCOB-CSR:2011.3 certification means acquiring a public commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility. WORLDCOB will audit and permanently lead the company to comply with this commitment for the benefit of it and the community. Thanks to this certification, society will know the ethical behavior of the organization, generating empathy and loyalty among its consumers and increasing their prestige and trust in it and its products.